Tami West, PhD

May 26, 20204 min

Show Notes CYH Episode 65: Changing Your Course vs Giving Up (And 5 Other Recent Lessons!)

***Disclaimer: I am a speaker at heart! These notes are either transcripts of the podcast or notes I made in preparation.Please forgive the inevitable grammar errors šŸ˜˜

Welcome friend to Consider Yourself Hugged episode 65. Todayā€™s Hug: Changing Your Course vs Giving Up (And 5 Other Recent Lessons!) Click here or pic to listen!

Iā€™m Dr. Tami West, here every week to bring you tips on living a life that brings you mental and emotional wellbeing.

A couple of things to start this session. First, you may have noticed this is not session 6 of The Stress Club. Although based on number of listens Iā€™m assuming you arenā€™t noticing at all šŸ˜œ I altered my path. I changed my course. I changed my mind. Whatever you want to call it I decided that wasnā€™t working. Maybe itā€™s because I have more men in the audience than I thought. Maybe itā€™s because people arenā€™t listening as much during this pandemic. Maybe itā€™s because I really suck! But for whatever reason it wasnā€™t working. (If you were listening and want the info, itā€™s all in my private Facebook group, The Stress Club. Write me if you want guidance on how to get there!)

Second, I want to be totally raw today. Totally honest. Maybe more honest than Iā€™ve ever been about current situations. Iā€™ve had a bad attitude. I thought about giving up on my career. Iā€™ve been angry. And then I realized Iā€™ve heard not one, not two, but three people talk about the stages of grief during this pandemic. I didnā€™t realize it until a day or two ago but that is exactly what I have been going through to some degree. I have exactly one speaking engagement for 2020. Well, if you count the one I had in February before all of this, I will have exactly two. Itā€™s hard to know what to do with that. In the beginning I thought, well, this wonā€™t last for long and Iā€™ll start booking for the fall. Thatā€™s the denial part. Then the anger came, then the bargaining, then the depression (not clinical, but some sadness). And I think Iā€™m moving toward acceptance (but not completely!).

Yesterday my husband and I were having lunch with some friends after church when another church friend came up to say hi. The topic inevitably goes to how youā€™re doing through this and, of course, work. So that went to losing everything for 2020. And she said ā€œWell Iā€™m glad you will still be able to do your podcast and Facebook lives!ā€ I couldnā€™t believe that I actually said this, but I said ā€œOh no Iā€™m done! Iā€™m finished with all of this!ā€œ (I guess anger is not completely gone LOL!). Then she said, ā€œAre you kidding me? You are on my list of people I turn to when I need to be inspired or get past my own bad attitude! Are you telling me thatā€™s not you?!ā€œ We laughed about it and had a good time, but it really stopped me in my tracks.

Hereā€™s the honesty, the rawness: Iā€™ve been speaking and writing for almost 15 years. Iā€™m tired. It feels like starting from scratch. No income. Iā€™ve asked myself, ā€œWhat is a time in my life when I was the happiest in my career?ā€ Honestly, itā€™s when I had the combination of speaking and also working. During that time I think it kept me connected to the audience. I was experiencing work issues, just like they were. It kept me fresh. It gave me deep relationships. A friend recently asked me if I felt sad because in full-time speaking, Iā€™m often in and out. She asked me if I missed the relationships? Hmm. Maybe I do.

I donā€™t know exactly what direction Iā€™ll go next, but Iā€™ve been reflecting. Praying. Searching. Seeking. What do I want going forward? What will allow me to have a satisfying career and still serve people? I may jump back into the work world. I would still have the flexibility to do this - the podcast, speaking, writing, Facebook Lives. And Iā€™m getting excited about the possibilities!

So yesterday as I was thinking about the podcast for today, I realized when things arenā€™t working sometimes youā€™ve got to decide what to do next. And I realize I donā€™t want to be angry for the rest of this time. There have been so many wonderful things that have happened. So on my walk this morning I processed what those are and wanted to share them with you. I hope they help. (Click here to listen to details in podcast.)

1. Distinguish between altering your path and giving up.

2. Recognize how much our decisions and our very identities are tied to cultural norms.

3. Remember to recognize the sweetness of this time.

4. Life really, really is about relationships and serving others.

5. We all can get by on less than we thought we could.

And sadly, as always, thatā€™s our time for today. I am praying every day for our country, our leaders, everyoneā€™s roles, and people affected. I hope youā€™ll join me in doing that AND in staying mentally and emotionally healthy.

As always, Please pass the show link along to a friend or two and subscribe, download, and review wherever you are listening. And head over to tamiwest.com to get info if youā€™d like me to speak at your next event and also youā€™ll find the promised links and info. And Iā€™d love for you to follow me on Facebook and all those other crazy social media outlets; links are in the show notes. If youā€™re a woman and you havenā€™t joined my private FB group The Stress Club, please do that now! Itā€™ll be your daily sources for exiting the life of stress! Link is in the show notes. If you missed the Stress Club free Kindle giveaway, send me a message in any format ā€“ email, social media, text ā€“ and Iā€™d be happy to send you a PDF

Thank you so much for listening and growing our special community!

I pray that each day you remember to love, to serve, to feel worthy, to grow, to connect, to change, and to be the best person you can be for yourself AND for the other humans in your world!

And until next time, Consider Yourself Hugged šŸ˜˜šŸ¤—

My links:

Judith Baker Miller's Book






Facebook page, "The Stress Club" for Women

Phone: 615-497-7714
